| 1. | Terms and conditions - last modified august 18 , 2005 用户协议最新修改日期为2005年8月18日 |
| 2. | Admitted to pamela youde nethersole eastern hospital on august 18 8月18日入住东区医院, 9月5日出院。 |
| 3. | Date : august 18 friday 日期:八月十八日星期五 |
| 4. | It is pretty good on august 18 although it had been rainy over the past week 尽管活动的前一周阴雨连绵, 8月18日这天天气特别好。 |
| 5. | On the evening of august 18 , 1941 , it went on the air for the first time 1941年8月18日晚上,贝尔格莱德广播电台首次播放了这首歌。 |
| 6. | Spoken by supreme master ching hai , munich , germany august 18 , 1995 originally in english -清海无上师以英文讲于德国慕尼黑1995 . 8 . 18 |
| 7. | Spoken by supreme master ching hai , munich , germany , august 18 , 1995 originally in english 清海无上师以英文讲于德国慕尼黑1995 . 08 . 18 |
| 8. | Spoken by supreme master ching hai , hsihu , formosa , august 18 , 1991 originally in chinese 清海无上师以中文讲于福尔摩沙西湖1991 . 08 . 18 |
| 9. | The other one at long ke wan and pak lap of sai kung , reported on august 18 , still persists 另一宗于本月十八日在西贡浪茄湾与白腊发现,现时仍未消退。 |
| 10. | On august 18 , lee was charged under the pressure , reluctantly agreed to tear down walls of an iceberg 8月18日,李家迫于被起诉的压力,勉强同意拆掉院墙一角。 |